Powtoon Offline

Powtoon Offline 3,8/5 745 votes

Note to users pre-0.6.0: Offline previously used a cloudfront hosted file as one of it's methods of detecting the connection status. This method is now deprecated and the image has been removed. Please upgrade to Offline 0.7.0+.

PowToon is a multiple animation and presentation making software for the professional business persons and designers. It is an easy to use and free animation software that contains animated explainer that will make you able to make animation of all level.

Improve the experience of your app when your users lose connection.

  • Monitors ajax requests looking for failure
  • Confirms the connection status by requesting an image or fake resource
  • Automatically grabs ajax requests made while the connection is down and remakes themafter the connection is restored.
  • Simple UI with beautiful themes
  • 3kb minified and compressed

Install with Eager

The easiest way to add Offline to your site is with Eager.Click Install to see a live preview of Offline on your website.

Manual Installation

Include the javascript, one of the themes, and one of thelanguages on your site. You're done!

To use only the JavaScript API without a UI indicator, simply leave out the CSS file.

If you'd like to get a peek at how it looks on your site, disconnect your internet, or try out the simulator.


Powtoon offline installer free download

Optionally, you can provide some configuration by setting Offline.options afterbringing in the script.

Options (any can be provided as a function), with their defaults:


Offline.check()Disk drill activation code free. : Check the current status of the connection.

Powtoon Offline Software Free Download

Offline.state: The current state of the connection 'up' or 'down'

Offline.on(event, handler, context): Bind an event. Events:

  • up: The connection has gone from down to up
  • down: The connection has gone from up to down
  • confirmed-up: A connection test has succeeded, fired even if the connection was already up
  • confirmed-down: A connection test has failed, fired even if the connection was already down
  • checking: We are testing the connection
  • reconnect:started: We are beginning the reconnect process
  • reconnect:stopped: We are done attempting to reconnect
  • reconnect:tick: Fired every second during a reconnect attempt, when a check is not happening
  • reconnect:connecting: We are reconnecting now
  • reconnect:failure: A reconnect check attempt failed
  • requests:flush: Any pending requests have been remade
  • requests:capture: A new request is being held

Offline.off(event, handler): Unbind an event


By default, Offline makes an XHR request to load your /favicon.ico to check the connection. If you don'thave such a file, it will 404 in the console, but otherwise work fine (even a 404 means the connection is up).You can change the URL it hits (an endpoint which will respond with a quick 204 is perfect):

Make sure that the URL you check has the same origin as your page (the connection method, domain and port all must be the same), or youwill run into CORS issues. You can add Access-Control headers to the endpoint to fix it on modern browsers, but it will still cause issues onIE9 and below.

If you do want to run tests on a different domain, try the image method. It loads an image, which are allowed to cross domains.

The one caveat is that with the image method, we can't distinguish a 404 from a genuine connection issue, so any error at all willappear to Offline as a connection issue.

Offline also includes a check called 'up' and another called 'down' which will always report being up or down respectively fortesting. You can activate them by setting the active option, adding a data attribute to your script tag with the namedata-simulate and value 'up' or 'down', or by setting localStorage.OFFLINE_SIMULATE to 'up' or 'down'.


The reconnect module automatically retests the connection periodically when it is down.A successful AJAX request will also trigger a silent recheck (if interceptRequests is not false).

You can disable the reconnect module by setting the reconnect to false. Reconnect can beconfigured by setting options on the reconnect setting.


How to program defiant deadbolt. The requests module holds any failed AJAX requests and, after deduping them, remakes them when the connectionis restored.

You can disable it by setting the requests setting to false.

You can also set deDupBody to be true if you want deduping to also take into account the content of the request.



Browser Support

Modern Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE8+

Pros: Easy to use, fun. Produces very professional looking videos.


Cons: It is difficult to select objects and edit if they overlap.
I would like to be able to add tags to the images so I could easily find those I want to use multiple times.
When changing the sizes of objects, both the width and height change proportionately. It would be good to be able to change just one, especially boxes.


Overall: I am an instructional designer/developer and I use PowToon as part of eLearning courses and to communicate changes to end users. The premade templates make PowToon really easy to use. I find a look I like then modify with my content. Each template has its own music but I may upload my own music and upload images to personalize the video even more.

If I have a question, I can chat directly with the support team (and I have had lots of questions). I had some trouble understanding the timing of objects when I first started. (Hint: where the thumbnail displays on the time line has Nothing to do with the exit time) and was frustrated by the lack of technical information about how the product works. This is because they depend on their support team to help users. Generally this is good but I would like to see Some documentation, even if it were just voiceovers on a PowToon to explain something.

I found using a PowToon to communicate a recent system change to end users resulted in about a 70% view rate instead of a close to 10% read rate for just an email for a previous communication. I host the video on our SharePoint site and provide a link so it's easy to track the views.
I just extended my subscription for another year and look forward to new features, new images, and new templates.

Recommendations to other buyers: Contact the support team with questions. Works best with Chrome so install that before you use PowToon for the first time to avoid frustration. Don't be afraid to change the type entrance and exit for objects. They are just a suggestions.

Posted on  by  admin